How to find the 'Day of Success' of your trading strategy?

After hearing this difficult term “Market Strategy or Trading Strategy” it is as if the thrill is frightening. When a person starts to have some idea about stock trading or day trading, he starts researching. The first term he is familiar with is "Market Strategy" or "Trading Strategy". This "market strategy" or trading strategy is a general business strategy, it can be called a road map of trading business, and almost all trading players follow the trading strategy is a great way while trading. "Trading strategies" or market strategies are tied to certain rules and these rules are not changed unless they are very difficult, such as a huge change in market sentiment in a particular situation, etc. It is imperative for a trading trader to faithfully follow this "trading strategy" or market strategy which protects you as a tough armed guard against the nearest enemy - showing that our emotions often cause a financial loss in the tradi...